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Incredible!! Need I say more.   My Favorite Links:

Welcome to my links page. I have categorized my link sections to help you find what you are looking for more easily. If you have information that you think I should have then contact me by e-mail at my address below.


Search Engines:

THE GRAD - This is one of the funniest sites that I ever seen. Please take the time to browse this site and tell them Chris sent you..

AltaVista - AltaVista is a good source of information on a wide variety of topics.

AOL.com - AOL.com is a good source of information on a wide variety of topics.

MSN - MSN is a great search engine and a good source of information on a wide variety of topics.

Yahoo - Yahoo is a good source of information on a wide variety of topics.

Football! Football! Football!

NFL - Links to more stuff.

www.miami herald.com Get all the info you need on the Doplhins, Heat, Panthers plus more.

www.espn.com www.espn.com

www.abc.com Get news, sports and much much more here.

More Links - Links to more stuff.

More Links - Links to more stuff.

More Links - Links to more stuff.

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